This paragraph will provide a formal introduction on how wildlife is affected due to deforestation. We will also discuss the methods in which the various governments are trying to dampen the effects of deforestation. We are all aware of the serious of wildfires have been taking place all over the earth. These wildfires are mostly surviving for days and weeks.
The sudden rise in temperatures happening across the world has led to such a situation. The entire planet is heating up due to global warming. The reason for global warming is rampant deforestation. The deformation paves the path for industrialization. As the number of factories increase, the trees decrease. Brazil has been holding a very lacklustre stance in case of deforestation. A considerable part of the Amazon rainforests has been cleared. Several wildlife species lost their habitat and lives. Birds have also lost their homes.
The effects of deforestation are far-reaching. In has plunged the entire world into a severe crisis for clean energy resources. Clean Energy is the need of the hour. With the severe deforestation that has taken place, a clean energy alternative is necessary. The outcome of deforestation has been the depletion of the Ozone Layer. It shields us from the harmful UV rays of the Sun. India has initiated strict measures around the country with regards to afforestation. The Chipko Movement was a milestone in the realm of environmental awareness. It was begun by several women who hugged trees to deforestation. Afforestation has been done in several parts of the country.